Your Spine Says A Lot About You


Your spine is the central support column of your body and protector of your spinal cord. Dysfunction in your spinal frame is like a crack in the foundation of your house; health related issues will show up if you don’t get it fixed. A recent article in To Your Health magazine explored some common compensation patterns and how that relates to your spinal health. Here is a summary about what they had to say:
Rounded shoulders from hunching in front of your computer commonly cause headaches, shoulder pain, and neck pain due to cervical and thoracic nerve compression. Are your shoulders rounded?
Uneven shoulders are a common postural fault due to carrying heavy bags and purses or cradling your cell phone between your ear and shoulder. This asymmetry often leads to shoulder injuries, headaches, neck pain, even carpal tunnel syndrome. Carry your load closer to your center of gravity and evenly between right and left.
Uneven hips are a foundational issue commonly arising from pelvic or foot imbalances. Pelvic torque occurs frequently if you cross your legs a lot. Check your shoes for uneven wear.
Degenerative disc disease (DDD) is not a really a disease, it’s actually local degeneration from excess wear on the soft tissue structures between the spinal bones, likened to uneven wear on the tread of your tires. Lost motion at these joints creates tension on nerves, furthering other issues
Osteoarthritis is the breakdown of tissue that protects and cushions joints. Painful swelling can occur due to excessive friction causing inflammation and pain. Use natural ginger and boswellia for natural anti-inflammatory found in a product like Inflammatone by Designs for Health
Herniated discs are due to a breakage of the protective spinal disc structure creating an abnormal bulge. Like an ice cream sandwich, if you compress one side, the ice cream will bulge out the other. Difficult to determine on x-ray, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) is best for determining the extent and damage of the disc and other soft tissue structures. We have had great success using gentle methods that help alleviate the symptoms of a disc herniation
Spinal stenosis is a narrowing that occurs in the spinal column accompanied by more severe symptoms of referred pain down the legs or arms due to nerve irritation or compression. Surgery may be inevitable, but conservative care should be used first to align tissues and prepare body for insult.

If you are experiencing any of the warning signs of pain, tingling, numbness, weakness, muscle spasms or swelling in your spine, arms, or legs, perhaps it’s time to explore conservative therapies like chiropractic before more damage is done.

In Health,
Dr. Amanda
Clear Point Wellness

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