Stretch your feet!


Earlier this year I wrote about how much I love Yamuna Foot Savers and their effectiveness for treating plantar fasciitis. Tight feet muscles are a major factor in plantar fasciitis and it can be hard to know how to stretch them day-to-day. Yamuna Foot Savers are also a great tool to help with sciatica, IT   

Plantar Fasciitis May Not Be Caused By Inflammation


A few months ago the New York Times ran an article about new research regarding plantar fasciitis, a sharp pain in the soles of the feet that plagues many.  Experts previously believed this irritation arose due to inflamed plantar fascia, the connective tissue in the soles of the feet.  Research now suggests that those with   

The piriformis is a pain in the butt!


Several years ago I began experiencing a sharp pain deep in my left gluteal muscle that was made worse after sitting or even laying down.  After many fruitless trips to various doctors and practitioners, I discovered the problem muscle when looking at a poster of the muscles of the human body–the piriformis!  As I did   

Proprioception for Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation


Have you ever been standing or taken a step and felt a little off balance or unstable? Have you ever walked or ran on an uneven surface and felt a little wobbly on your ankles or knees? Proprioception, or knowing where we are in space, is one of the most important skills in injury prevention   

Are physically active kids smarter?


In an interesting article summarizing several studies in the US and Denmark, Gretchen Reynolds of the New York Times suggests that being physically active and fit is correlated with brain size in kids — particularly in the sections of the brain responsible for “executive function” that keep kids focused during school. This, in turn, is   

Your Spine Says A Lot About You


Your spine is the central support column of your body and protector of your spinal cord. Dysfunction in your spinal frame is like a crack in the foundation of your house; health related issues will show up if you don’t get it fixed. A recent article in To Your Health magazine explored some common compensation   

Foam Roller Exercises


Foam roller exercises are excellent for myofascial release, mobility and circulation in your body. You can target many muscles, like your hamstrings, IT band, calves and more with a simple piece of equipment . Excellent for pre or post-workout, the foam roller is a great addition to a home gym. I have explained the foam