Shoulder Rotation Exercise


If you look at your shoulders in the mirror, do they appear to be rolled in? Check out the side view–rounded upper back? Do you have neck pain? Do you work in front of a screen? If so, this week’s video will help strengthen your upper back to pull your shoulder blades back where they   

Hip Abduction and Rotation


Tight hips? You could be weak in the abductors–the leg muscles that lift our legs out to the side and that help with balance. It’s a movement we don’t do often, but those muscles help to stabilize our pelvis when walking and running. When weak, they can be a culprit for low back pain as   

Stretch your feet!


Earlier this year I wrote about how much I love Yamuna Foot Savers and their effectiveness for treating plantar fasciitis. Tight feet muscles are a major factor in plantar fasciitis and it can be hard to know how to stretch them day-to-day. Yamuna Foot Savers are also a great tool to help with sciatica, IT   

Your posture affects your self-confidence!


Yesterday I stumbled upon an article from Psychology Today extolling the benefits of good posture and how it affects our self-confidence. The article cites a study in which 2 groups of participants were asked to complete a job application assuming a slumped posture or an upright posture.  The study revealed that those with the upright   

Proprioception for Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation


Have you ever been standing or taken a step and felt a little off balance or unstable? Have you ever walked or ran on an uneven surface and felt a little wobbly on your ankles or knees? Proprioception, or knowing where we are in space, is one of the most important skills in injury prevention