Is a J Shaped Spine the Way out of Back Pain?


NPR recently featured the work of acupuncturist, Esther Gokhale, and her method to restore the spine to ‘primal posture’. Gokhale believes that the American S-shaped spine is what causes our back pain and that we should attempt to restore our bodies to a J-back posture where the back is flat and then the low back   

Proper Sitting Posture


Sitting for hours with proper posture is challenging! It can be hard to find a good sitting posture because of the ergonomics of the chair/sofa/work station that we’re sitting at. It can also be difficult if we have forgotten how to access certain places in our body that support good posture throughout the day. That   

What is good posture?


New clients often ask me to analyze their posture or teach them ‘proper posture’. This is actually a complicated question because we are not 2D characters on a poster, we move 3 dimensionally. You can correct or hold your body in a certain posture but then the second you take a step, that will change.   

Back Stretch=Improved Posture!


Most of us spend long periods of time in more or less the same position for our jobs–this could be sitting behind a computer, standing behind a counter or hunched over a table. As a result, our backs get tight and stiff making it difficult for us to really change our posture. This exercise is   

Eyes Around Austin: Knee Locking and Back Pain


Last night I treated myself to a facial (LOVE) and chatted away with my aesthetician about her persistent back pain. Chiropractors and massage therapists have helped her in the past, but the pain always returns. I looked up to see her locking (hyperextending) her right knee and putting all of her weight on the outside of   

Shoulder Rotation Exercise


If you look at your shoulders in the mirror, do they appear to be rolled in? Check out the side view–rounded upper back? Do you have neck pain? Do you work in front of a screen? If so, this week’s video will help strengthen your upper back to pull your shoulder blades back where they   

Your posture affects your self-confidence!


Yesterday I stumbled upon an article from Psychology Today extolling the benefits of good posture and how it affects our self-confidence. The article cites a study in which 2 groups of participants were asked to complete a job application assuming a slumped posture or an upright posture.  The study revealed that those with the upright