What is plantar fasciitis?


Many of us suffer from severe pain in the soles of our feet, otherwise known as plantar fasciitis. Until recently, experts thought inflammation in the connective tissue, or fascia, of the feet caused this pain. However, more research is coming out that this painful condition is a result of tight muscles in the calves and   

Plantar Fasciitis May Not Be Caused By Inflammation


A few months ago the New York Times ran an article about new research regarding plantar fasciitis, a sharp pain in the soles of the feet that plagues many.  Experts previously believed this irritation arose due to inflamed plantar fascia, the connective tissue in the soles of the feet.  Research now suggests that those with   

The piriformis is a pain in the butt!


Several years ago I began experiencing a sharp pain deep in my left gluteal muscle that was made worse after sitting or even laying down.  After many fruitless trips to various doctors and practitioners, I discovered the problem muscle when looking at a poster of the muscles of the human body–the piriformis!  As I did